Tag: off-grid lifestyle

A Beginner’s Guide to Foraging

Starting a homestead from scratch can be a complicated task. Many projects must be undertaken. One of these projects is finding a stable food supply. When you first start your homestead, you should have the understanding that you will need to purchase some of your food. That is fine. In time, you will be able…
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An Easy Guide to Start Composting at Your Homestead

When you are not living off-grid, you take for granted certain conveniences. One such convenience is potting soil for your garden. Fortunately, you can make your own compost for your garden and it’s often better for your garden and for the environment. It is for this reason that I, Matthew Davies, am going to help…
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How to Stay Cool Outside in Extreme Heat

Depending on where you live, summer can be a great time of year. On the other hand, some people live in places that experience extreme heat. If you are lucky enough to have air conditioning, it will provide you with a respite from high summer temperatures and humidity when you need to spend extensive time…
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Off-Grid Basics

Lately, an increasing number of people are becoming fed up with the rising prices of living on the grid. Their responses range from cutting the cord on cable and satellite companies to full-blown zero investment in any paid services or utilities. Where you fall within that scope is entirely up to you. If you have…
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