Tag: off-grid homes

Beginners Guide to Milking Livestock

If you are reading this blog, I, Matthew Davies, would assume you are probably one of the more advanced homesteaders out there. Milking is not something that new homesteaders generally think about, not only because it is a task typically reserved for more experienced homesteaders, but because when you begin your journey to living off the…
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How to Prepare Your Raised Beds for Spring Planting

Depending on where you live, you could be dealing with any number of weather conditions in the early days of spring. I, Matthew Davies, am currently in Stockton, CA and the weather in April is quite mild. However, my neighbors to the north are not so lucky. Some days they enjoy temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit…
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Ways to Stay Online While Maintaining Your Off-Grid Lifestyle

When it comes to living off-grid, there are many different variations. Some people choose to completely disconnect with any semblance of what most people would call a modern lifestyle. Others pick and choose the services they want to remain connected to. Regardless of your choice, I, Matthew Davies, think you will find this blog beneficial.…
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Ways to Survive Off-Grid Without Refrigeration

Prior to 1923, home refrigeration units were science fiction. We did have ways to cool things, but it was a labor-intensive process. Some examples of how we would cool our food down for storage include icehouses and packing the items in snow. With what we know now about food safety and refrigeration, it almost seems…
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Surprising Luxuries You Didn’t Could Be Operated Off-Grid

Prior to living off-grid, I, Matthew Davies, had a lot of preconceptions about what living off-grid actually entailed. I was under the impression that I would have to say goodbye to my 1000-watt microwave, my equally power-hungry waffle maker, and I would even have to let my dishwasher go. Boy, was I mistaken. While in…
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How to Homeschool When You Live Off-Grid

If you are dreaming of one day living off-grid, there are many things you must consider before pulling the plug. One such consideration should be how you are going to educate your children. While some families choose to send their children to local public or private schools, others prefer to homeschool. Although I, Matthew Davies,…
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Homestead Chores for Kids

Living off the land brings with it a lot of hard work. This means that everyone in the family will need to pitch in. Whether it is your toddler or your teenager, there is always something children can do to lend a helping hand. In this blog, I, Matthew Davies, and going to cover the…
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Ways to Make Money While Living Off-Grid

As is true for many people, one of the homesteader’s primary worries is that they will have enough money to afford the things they need. Just because people living off-grid do not have the same types of bills as people living on the grid, does not mean they will not need to pay for things…
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Tips to Host a Delicious Off-Grid Thanksgiving Meal

It is that time of year that we gather with family and friends to give thanks for all the wonderful things in our lives. Should this be your first Thanksgiving living off-grid, you may have many questions about how to pull off such a feast. If this is your tenth Thanksgiving, then maybe you will…
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Canning, Preserving, and Dehydrating Food

When living off-grid, food storage and preservation can present a challenge. Without access to the large appliances used by those living on the grid, I had to find new ways to preserve my food. In this blog, I, Matthew Davies, will be discussing the ways that I have learned to prolong the life of the…
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