Easy Ways to Plan A Camping and Fishing Staycation

As summer begins to end, many people are trying to get in that last vacation of the year. A lot of people had postponed their vacation due to COVID-19. Many others had to cancel their holiday overseas. All of this is leaving them scrambling for a way to use their vacation days before they expire. I, Matthew Davies, suggest you consider having a staycation. In case you have never heard of this term before, a staycation is where you stay home, but do some of the same things you would on an ordinary vacation. While COVID-19 may limit the activities you can participate in, many state parks and lakes are beginning to reopen. For this reason, I feel you should plan a camping and fishing trip near you. Below, I am going to give you many tips on how you can make this happen. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into it.
State Website
For beginners, you should start by checking your state’s website. The reason is most parks and lakes are owned by the state you live in. It will be your best source of information when planning a trip. It will tell you which parks are open and if there are any restrictions on what you can do while you are on your journey.
When you are doing your search on the website, try to apply a filter that will only bring up the parks’ results that you can both camp and fish. After all, that is the reason for this trip. It wouldn’t be as much fun if you had to stay in a hotel and then travel to your fishing location. Likewise, camping wouldn’t be as much fun if you couldn’t get some fishing in while you were there.
Ensure you are looking in advance for these locations as many parks are limiting their capacity due to the pandemic. If one park is booked for the time you have off, try another. Assuming you live close to the border of two states, you can check the other state for the same information as well. While you are there, check to make sure it is acceptable to have out of state visitors. Some state parks are limiting their accommodations to state residents only. A simple phone call should do the trick if you are unable to find the information online.
Google Search
There are many privately owned campgrounds around the country. If none of the state parks appeal to you, then you could always do a Google search of “campgrounds near me.” Again, some of them may have restrictions on how many people they are allowed to accommodate at one time. If their website does not provide you with enough information, then you should try calling.
Also, when you are using private campgrounds, you will want to make sure they have a good reputation. While it is essential to check if they are practicing safe protocols during these times, you will also want to check how they were before the pandemic. Chances are if they were terrible before all this, they are still going to be bad.
Ask Around
There is a better than average chance that someone you know is interested in camping and fishing. Ask your family and friends if they have any parks they recommend. After all, it is a lot better to take the word of someone you trust rather than some stranger on the internet. Besides, there is no telling if the review you are reading is fake or not. While there are ways to detect if a review is real or fake, sometimes it can be hard to tell. Your friends will generally give you their honest opinion on products and services at the end of the day.
No matter which of the above options you take, it is crucial to legally make sure you are on the property. For starters, you will want to make sure you have a valid fishing license for the state or county in which you will be throwing your line in the water. Not having a license is an excellent way to end up with a fine. Nothing ruins a vacation quite like getting a ticket for something that could have quickly been taken care of. Also, the ticket usually ends up costing more than the license would have in the first place.
If you are camping as well, and I certainly hope you will be, you need to make sure you have any required permits to enjoy your stay. Some places sell wood, and others will sell you a pass to fall a small dead tree to make your fire. Depending on your location, you should be advised on whether or not open fires are permitted presently. For example, California and many other southern states may have a burn ban in effect. The reason is that they have not had a lot of precipitation, and summer tends to dry the foliage out, making it easy for a fire to turn into a wildfire.
Stock Up
Make sure before you head out that you are stocked up on all the supplies you will need while you are gone. Some of the things you are going to want are extra clothes (in case of rain or accidentally falling into the water), extra food and water (if you happen to get lost), and extra batteries for all your electronics. These recommendations are on top of the usual things you would take with you on a day trip.
A staycation can be quite fun when appropriately planned. I, Matthew Davies, take one vacation and one staycation a year. I feel it gives me the best of both worlds. I go on holiday to see the world, and I go on a staycation to experience my area’s surroundings more. I hope you have found this beneficial and can apply it to your next staycation. Remember, when you are out in public to practice social distancing and wear a mask, you cannot keep the minimum six feet distance. Have fun and be safe!